Huge fan of the Command & Color series from GMT Games. I really want to like BattleLore. The command system is an interesting change from C&C but lacks the fog of war provided by random card draw. A number of problems exist which greatly impede having fun with this. -No undo button! This is fundamental omission. Several times accidentally activated a Lore without ANY way of canceling it. Same with accidental moves. -Terrain effects should be displayed for the hex a unit starts in and ends their movement in. -No save feature. Incredibly frustrating to FINALLY be in excellent board position for hard scenario only to lose everything because you cannot save anything. -Ridiculous imbalance with combat results. I thought I was being a baby by getting frustrated at just how unbalanced my combat results were compared to the Uthuk. By reading these reviews however, it appears I am not alone. This is game breaker because no matter how good my tactics are I cannot overcome results having me miss almost all hits during a round (no matter how many extra results are added like for cavalry and Lore) and having Uthuk hitting almost every combat. If this imbalance is on purpose to compensate for poor AI... LAZY!!! No matter how many times I try to beat the spider-riding witch, I cannot compete with the Uthuks combat results. Frankly, I am shocked Fantasy Flight would make such base mistakes with such a flagship product. I am also incredulous at the notion no one at FF considered these omissions and combat results unacceptable. If these issues are addressed and corrected then this could be one of the best strategy games available from the App Store.